Gene Expression Analysis on Different Muscles and Intramuscular Adipocytes in Cashmere Goat
- DU Chen, LI Jin-quan, CHEN Xiu-juan
2016, 43(2):
347 )
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The objective of this study was to discover the expression of key genes for fatty deposition in Inner Mongolia cashmere goat,so that deeply analysize the change features of intramuscular fat deposition.Real-time PCR was used to detect the expression pattern of seven different genes (PPARγ,FTO,Lipin,LPL,HSL,A-FABP and Perilipin) in ten different muscle tissues,and in intramuscular adipocyte for three periods as early (D3),middle (D7),and end (D11),as well as the changes in key points of induced differentiation time (24,48,72 and 96 h).The correlation between the seven genes and the intramuscular fat content was researched from the prospective of analyzing the tissues and cells.The results showed that FTO gene mRNA had a higher expression in different tissues than that of other genes.While the Lipin gene mRNA expression was the lowest than others,LPL and HSL were the key enzymes in the fat synthesis and splitting,the expression trends of which were basically similar,they only showed the opposite expression pattern in the psoas major muscle,and trapezius A-FABP and Perilipin gene expression patterns were more special,the overall expression level was lower,the former's expression level was higher in next moment chest muscle than other tissues,while the latter's expression level was higher in biceps femoris muscle than other tissues.Analyzing from the cell level,the expression patterns of Lipin,PPARγ,A-FABP and Perilipin were similar,with the increase of adipocytes cultivating day age and the triglyceride accumulation,the corresponding expression level increased gradually;The expression abundance of Lipin gene in each time point was extremely low;The expression level of HSL gene reduced gradually as the differentiation degree increases;The expression level of Perilipin gene was higher only in the late period of induction and differentiation.Through statistical analysis of the correlation,the PPARγ gene mRNA of cashmere goat formed negative correlation with intramuscular fat;While other adipogenic genes like HSL,LPL,FTO,Lipin,Perilipin and A-FABP mRNA formed positive correlation with intramuscular fat content.Therefore,the key gene expression of fat deposition had the specificity,generally,the amount of gene expression by quantitative analysis was FTO> PPARγ> LPL >HSL> A-FABP >Perilipin >Lipin,such results lay foundation for further researching the fat deposition mechanism and improving the quality of cashmere goat.