China Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine ›› 2022, Vol. 49 ›› Issue (10): 3856-3865.doi: 10.16431/j.cnki.1671-7236.2022.10.018

• Genetics and Breeding • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Polymorphism of MFSD2A Gene and Its Association with Milk Production Traits in Buffalo

LIANG Shasha, PANG Chunying, DENG Tingxian, LU Xingrong, DUAN Anqin, MA Xiaoya, FANG Yanyan, LIANG Xianwei   

  1. Key Laboratory of Buffalo Genetics, Breeding and Reproduction Technology, Guangxi Buffalo Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Nanning 530001, China
  • Received:2022-04-21 Online:2022-10-05 Published:2022-09-30

Abstract: 【Objective】 In order to study the polymorphism of major facilitator superfamily domain containing 2a (MFSD2A) gene of buffalo and screen the SNP associated with milk production traits of buffalo.【Method】 The blood DNA was collected from 383 healthy buffaloes,and the SNP were screened and genotyped by PCR amplification and Se-quenom MassARRAY SNP time-of-flight mass spectrometry.The genetic diversity,linkage disequilibrium (LD) and haplotype analysis were analyzed,and the association between different genotypes and haplotypes and milk production traits was analyzed.【Result】 Seven SNPs were detected in MFSD2A gene of buffalo,and the polymorphism information content (PIC) ranged from 0.25 to 0.40,which belonged to moderate polymorphism.Except g.8290 T>C,all the other sites were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium(P>0.05).The results of association analysis showed that the seven SNPs were significantly associated with 305 d milk yield (P<0.05),and the 305 d milk yield of mutant heterozygote was the lowest among the three genotypes.g.568 C>G and g.701 A>G were significantly associated with milk fat percentage (P<0.05).The order of milk fat percentage genotypes was mutant homozygote>wild homozygote>mutant heterozygote.g.568 C>G,g.3326 G>A,g.8290 T>C and g.8523 C>G were significantly associated with milk protein percentage (P<0.05),but these seven SNPs were not significantly associated with milk urea nitrogen (P>0.05).The results of LD and haplotype analysis showed that g.568 C>G,g.701 A>G and g.3203 T>G could form a haplotype module (Block 1),while g.8523 C>G and g.9138 G>T could form another haplotype module (Block 2).The r2 of g.568 C>G and g.701 A>G,g.568 C>G and g.3326 G>A,g.8523 C>G and g.9138 G>T were 0.87,0.37 and 0.48,respectively,which were in a state of strong linkage disequilibrium.The milk protein percentage of H1 (CAG) haplotype in Block 1 was significantly higher than that of H2 (CAT) and H3 (GCT) haplotype (P<0.05),and the 305 d milk yield of D3 (GG) haplotype in Block 2 was significantly higher than that of D1 (CG) and D2 (CT) haplotype (P<0.01).【Conclusion】 The seven SNPs of MFSD2A gene were significantly associated with 305 d milk yield,g.568 C>G and g.701 A>G were significantly associated with milk fat percentage,g.568 C>G,g.701 A>G,g.3326 G>A,g.8290 T>C and g.8523 C>G were significantly associated with milk protein percentage were significantly associated,and none of these seven SNPs were significantly associated with milk urea nitrogen.Homozygous genotypes had more advantages in the selection of high 305 d milk yield and milk fat percentage.H1 (CAG) and D3 (GG) haplotypes were favorable haplotypes to increase 305 d milk yield and milk protein rate in buffalo.

Key words: buffalo; MFSD2A gene; linkage disequilibrium; milk production traits; association analysis

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