China Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine ›› 2022, Vol. 49 ›› Issue (6): 2270-2278.doi: 10.16431/j.cnki.1671-7236.2022.06.027
• Genetics and Breeding • Previous Articles Next Articles
SHAO Yandi1, JIANG Qiufei2, FENG Yuan2, WANG Yu2, ZHANG Juan1, ZHOU Zihang1, WANG Weizhen1, YU Baojun1, FENG Xiaofang1, CHEN Yafei1, GU Yaling1
CLC Number:
SHAO Yandi, JIANG Qiufei, FENG Yuan, WANG Yu, ZHANG Juan, ZHOU Zihang, WANG Weizhen, YU Baojun, FENG Xiaofang, CHEN Yafei, GU Yaling. Research Progress on Candidate Genes of Cattle Reproductive Traits[J]. China Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine, 2022, 49(6): 2270-2278.
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